The reason why I wanted to study abroad is to acquired skills to become the person I want to be. I want to be a business consultant in a near future, so I want to get three different skills and this is my purpose for studying abroad. One of the reasons is to improve my English. Learn about basic Business and get communication skills. The business consultant needs a lot of skills, but on this experience abroad I have been focusing on three skills. I will tell you about three skills.
First, Now days English is the world language, so when we go outside of Japan, we need to be able to speak English and I want to work using English. In Japan I have no chance to use English except class. It is a problem I think, so I want to go to other country that using English more than Japan. Second is learn business. My major is English Education but I want to start my career in Business orientated which means I need knowledge of business. Third communication skill. I think communication skill is very important for everything. I can good communicate with Japanese people but I want to try good communicate with other people. Communication skills for only Japanese people does not make sense. I want to be a porson who succeed in global world. I want to get three skills, so I want to go to study abroad.
I really recommend you to go to study abroad in the Philippines because you can do everything after came this country. At first study. I am attending University of the Philippines which is very famous college here, in this college you can take all classes what you want without your major in Japan. It means you can extend your possibility. This college has a lot of classes, so you can learn what you want directory and clearly. Actually my major is English Education in Japan but I am taking business here. Almost class are In English and all most exchange students lives in residence hall inside college. That is why we can make many friends European, American also Asian and then we can enjoy the time with many friends. Second I will tell you something what do I do outside class. I had a internship in last year here, so I was very busy. In last year I wanted to get many experience, I did internship, traveling a lot of place and met many Japanese overseas resident businessman through my hobby which is soccer. We have a Japanese soccer team here. I really lucky to join this team because I play soccer and get a real knowledge. It is very important for my career. I am sure to studying abroad in the Philippines is really nice to grow up. I could find a lot of good things here.
I think that I could improve my English through the English classes such as 'English1' which I took in the first semester and management class in the second semester. It means I could my English level grow up by using English not by learning English. We have to be English user. This study abroad is very important to improve my English. Also I could improve my communication skill and presentation skill. We need these skills for job because we have so many necessity of skills for sharing opinion. My mind was changed after I came to the Philippines. When I was in Japan, I had just looked for work in Japan. However, after coming here, working other country comes down in my mind, so I got more choice since I came here. I got so many opinions and information from my friends and senior. They gave me a lot of opinions. I could think about my future more clearly. This study abroad helps my future. I'm very happy to go to study abroad this age. I got many experiences, I have to use and think for my career. I am looking forward to my career.