Hyogo University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific


  • Name:Y.H [ 中国 ]

  • Acceptance period:Sep. 15, 2024 ~ Aug. 15, 2025
  • Acceptance university:関西国際大学
  • University enrolled:内蒙古大学

Opportunity of the studying abroad, purpose

The opportunity to study abroad stems from my deep interest and passion for the Japanese language major, coupled with my infinite curiosity and love for the world of children deep within. At this moment, the school provides a rare opportunity for exchange and study abroad, which is undoubtedly a valuable platform tailored for me. It allows me to integrate my passion for language learning with my deep care for children, and embark on an extraordinary international exchange journey.
Purpose: To pursue the true essence of education
I have chosen to study children's studies in Japan for the following purposes:
Deepening professional knowledge: Japan has abundant research resources and profound academic background in the field of children's studies. I hope to systematically study children's psychology, education, sociology, and other related knowledge here, master the latest research results and methodologies, and lay a solid foundation for my academic career.
Enhancing practical skills: The combination of theory and practice is an important feature of Japanese education. I hope to apply the knowledge I have learned to practice and enhance my professional skills in children's education, psychological counseling, and other areas by participating in field research, teaching internships, and other activities.
Expanding international perspectives: In today's globalized world, cross-cultural communication is particularly important. As one of the representatives of Asian culture, Japan's unique cultural background and social environment have provided me with valuable learning opportunities. I hope to gain a deeper understanding of children's education concepts and practical models in different cultures through studying and living in Japan, and broaden my international perspective.
Contribute to the cause of education: Ultimately, I hope to give back what I have learned to society and contribute to the cause of children's education in China and even globally. I will be committed to promoting the healthy growth and comprehensive development of children, whether it is becoming an excellent educator or engaging in children's policy research, child rights protection, and other work.
In short, studying children's education in Japan is an important choice in my life. I look forward to constantly exploring, learning, growing, and ultimately realizing my dreams and values in this land full of opportunities and challenges.

Experience while studying abroad

Results of study abroad, future goals