Hyogo University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific


  • Name:E. J. [ フランス ]

  • Acceptance period:Oct. 1, 2023 ~ Aug. 8, 2024
  • Acceptance university:神戸大学
  • University enrolled:リール大学

Opportunity of the studying abroad, purpose

From as long as I can remember, I've always dreamed of living in Japan. Initially, I was drawn to manga and anime culture, but as I grew older and began to learn more about Japan itself, I became captivated by the country's rich history, culture, and fascinating language.

As my interest in Japanese culture evolved, I also realized that my passion for Japan was not isolated. In France, I discovered a thriving community of individuals who shared my enthusiasm for Japanese culture. This discovery ignited a desire in me to create a space where people could enthusiastically connect over both popular and local aspects of Japanese culture. To achieve this new goal, I understood the necessity of gaining firsthand experience in Japan, living there, meeting people, and engaging with artisans and creators.

Moreover, I strongly believe that Japan and France, though worlds apart, possess distinct qualities that can greatly enrich each other. Whether it's in the fields of art, cuisine, or philosophy, I have come to believe that by fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of each other's cultures, both nations can grow and learn.

Thus, I have two personal and professional motivations for living abroad this year. The first one is to make my childhood dream come true by fully immersing myself in Japan's environment, culture, and lifestyle. The second one is to take a significant step toward realizing my ambitions for the future.

By the end of my journey, I aim to bring back to France the beauty of Japanese culture, a deeper understanding of Japan, and meaningful connections. By doing so, I hope to contribute to a more enriched and interconnected world where the boundaries of culture fade away, making space for shared experiences, knowledge, and appreciation.

Experience while studying abroad

My time in Japan has been a whirlwind of emotions and experiences, offering profound insights into both myself and the people around me. Where do I even begin? First and foremost, I enjoy a lot living in the Kansai region; whenever I am traveling or going out, I feel like monotony simply doesn't exist, as there are always plenty of things to do and see wherever I go. I am especially fond of Kobe’s calm atmosphere, nestled between the sea and the mountains, and Osaka’s eclectic and lively atmosphere. As a result, I feel that living here has transformed my habits from staying indoors, as I now enjoy taking leisurely strolls and discovering new places and landscapes much more than before.

However, I must admit that what has struck me the most is the warmth and kindness of the Japanese people. Whether it's the students in Kobe or strangers I occasionally meet outside, everyone has shown genuine interest in engaging with me. Contrary to my initial expectations, I've found Japanese people to be remarkably open and eager to converse, which was honestly very new to me, but very pleasant. Consequently, despite my ongoing journey towards fluency in Japanese, I can feel my confidence in speaking japanese steadily growing—a skill that I know will prove invaluable in the long run.

Of course, Japan's rich culture never ceases to amaze me, as each region has its own set of traditions, culture, and history. In the winter, I particularly enjoyed my trip to Shirakawa-gô; I had never seen such unique house architecture, and the snowy landscapes added something magical to my stay. Lately, I've come to realize that I have a particular fondness for traditional Japanese arts and dances, and I eagerly anticipate attending summer festivals from various regions. Yet, beyond immersing myself in Japanese culture, I've also had the chance to meet people from many countries, which has contributed to broadening my worldview in ways I never anticipated. Even if I can return to Japan in the future, I believe now will be my one and only opportunity to interact with people from such diverse backgrounds - as these opportunities come with being an exchange student. As such, I fully intend to make the most of my current situation.

As I reflect on my journey thus far, I realize that Japan has already given me so much, yet there is still so much more to explore and discover. In the coming semester, I aim to travel even more and become more involved in local activities. I'm eager to interact further with Japanese people and immerse myself in a variety of experiences. My journey so far has been transformative, and I can't wait to see where it leads me next.

Results of study abroad, future goals

As I approach the final quarter of my study abroad experience in Japan, it's hard to believe the end is near. Reflecting on the past year, I’m struck by how much I’ve grown and how quickly time has flown by. When I first arrived, I planned to immerse myself in Japanese culture and improve my language skills by spending time with Japanese people. However, I ended up bonding more deeply with other international students. Being with them brought me more insights than I expected; having friends from so many diverse backgrounds is incredibly valuable, and I am glad I took the time to know them, as they’ve become important friends.

In the middle of my year abroad, homesickness progressively set in, making me seek comfort in what was familiar to me. Therefore, I began hanging out with my French peers more during the second semester. With their support, I regained motivation for my studies and daily life, and it also gave me the courage to explore Japan. Together, we took a road trip to Shikoku, swam in the waters of Okinawa, hiked in Wakayama, and experienced Tokyo's cosmopolitan atmosphere among many other adventures. These travels boosted my confidence and brought me closer to Japanese culture and people.

After winter break, I joined a university-organized tandem language workshop with Japanese students learning French. We met weekly, conversing in both languages, and this exchange significantly improved my Japanese and deepened my appreciation for cultural exchange. Additionally, I grew close to Japanese students curious about France and Europe. Our interactions improved my Japanese skills greatly and made me feel more at home in Japan. It was proof of my progress and adaptation to daily life and customs here, which made me incredibly proud.

Looking back, many experiences didn’t go as planned, but they were all valuable. This year reinforced my belief that France and Japan have much to learn from each other. Returning to France, I’m eager to share my newfound understanding of Japan and help Japanese people discover French culture. I plan to continue studying Japanese and hope to revisit Japan to reconnect with friends and improve my language skills.

I also aim to explore more of Europe, visiting the international and Japanese friends I’ve made this year. Having explored Japan extensively, I’m motivated to keep this spirit of adventure alive when I return home. This year abroad has been one of the happiest and most transformative periods of my life. Although I’m excited to go back home, I’m already planning to return to Japan within the next few years, whether to study or work.