Hyogo University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific


  • Name:H.R [ 中国 ]

  • Acceptance period:Oct. 2, 2023 ~ Sep. 30, 2024
  • Acceptance university:兵庫教育大学
  • University enrolled:海南師範大学

Opportunity of the studying abroad, purpose

 First and foremost, my motivation to study abroad is as follows.
 Since I was a child, I have been captivated by Japanese culture and Japanese, largely influenced by Japanese anime and novels. And I was particularly interested in language, so I decided to pursue Japanese studies in college. As a student majoring in Japanese, my understanding of Japanese, Japanese culture, social rules, and customs is not sufficient. So I think it's crucial to study in Japan where I can experience the rich personal experience of Japanese culture and society.
 Furthermore, another motivation for studying abroad has been profoundly shaped by my Japanese teacher, Miss Otani. Miss Otani often shared the Japanese customs with me, the beautiful scenery of Japan, and the Japanese cuisine that she made, so I want to personally experience Japanese culture and cuisine.
  During this summer vacation, my teacher, Miss Otani, has visited my hometown, Guizhou. During my time as a tour guide for Miss Otani, I felt that my Japanese proficiency still needed improvement. Therefore, I hope to increase my Japanese proficiency while studying in Japan. This is a picture of me and Miss Otani.
 The purpose of studying abroad is the following.
 I firmly believe that I can enhance my Japanese proficiency in a native speaking environment. I am aware that Hyogo University of Teacher Education is aimed at training exceptional educators, specifically in the field of teaching Japanses, I want to become a Japanese teacher. So, I want to study at Hyogo University of Teacher Education.
 The fields I intend to focus my studies on the following.
Communication between Chinese and Japanese is becoming more and more frequent, Chinese students who choose to study Japanese are increasing. There are abundant educational resources and research institutions in Japan. For example, Japan has many excellent educational science laboratories, Language Institute, and the Institute of psychology. I am eager to learn how to teach Japanese language education, education contents and educational resources in Hyogo University of Teacher Education. I hope to explore Japanese teaching methods , improving the quality of education and learning outcomes.
 Thank you once again for granting me this invaluable opportunity to pursue my academic and personal growth. I am eagerly looking forward to my study and life at Hyogo University of Teacher Education.

Experience while studying abroad

 How time flies. It was half a year since I came to Japan. Over the past six months I have had a lot of experience in my life, learning a lot of new knowledge, making lots of friends and much more.
 First and foremost, since I came to Japan, I experienced many first things in my life. For example, I came to foreign countries for the first time, ate Japanese foods such as sushi, Shabu Shabu, and Takoyaki, and wore Japanese kimono and stayed in Japanese style rooms. I saw some Japanese places of interest that I had seen only in Chinese textbooks were by my own eyes.
 The most impressive thing I have seen on this half year trip is Japanese animals. I think Japanese are very kind to animals. For example, crows are everywhere, and doves in parks are not afraid of human beings. When I went to the Daiba in Tokyo, I noticed that there were many people who put pets instead of a baby on a stroller. Daiba’s cafes even offer food that dogs can eat. I think that citizens being friendly to animals reflects the height of the country's civilization and morality. It also shows the country’s people are willing to help the disabled. For instance, Japanese parking lots have parking spaces exclusively for Japanese people, buttons on elevators have Braille, and the location for wheelchair parking is marked on subways. These details were noticed by myself after coming to Japan.
 Next, I feel that my Japanese level has improved after coming to Japan. At the beginning, I couldn't speak Japanese fluently because of nervousness, but now I can calmly express my thoughts and opinions in Japanese. I was worried that I would always make mistakes when I speak Japanese. But now I realize that learning foreign languages is not afraid of mistakes, and speaking with confidence is important.
 Furthermore, when I was in Hainan Normal University, I just studied the Japanese language class, I have studied more professional Japanese courses and some courses outside of Japanese in the half year. For instance, I enrolled in courses like "Study of Elementary School Subjects" and "Family Resource Management", where I acquired highly practical knowledge, including the definition of family and effective money management techniques. I think these subjects are teaching students how to make their life better. In addition, after taking courses about the education, I have gained a deeper understanding of the significance of the teaching profession. At Hyogo University of Teacher Education, I met many excellent and friendly teachers who I consider as my role models.
 Finally, I feel that I grew up a lot in this half year. I became more independent and brave. I was able to send a fulfilling life by myself, and to make delicious meals for myself, and to plan my time properly. I felt happy and lucky every time when I thought about my present life. I learned a lot of new knowledge, realized the charm of Japanese culture, met many friendly Japanese people, and made communication with foreign students from various countries. I will cherish my remaining six months of studying abroad.

Results of study abroad, future goals