Hyogo University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific


  • Name:Chuang Yung-Yin [ 台湾 ]

  • Acceptance period:Sep. 19, 2022 ~ Aug. 31, 2023
  • Acceptance university:神戸学院大学
  • University enrolled:長栄大学

Opportunity of the studying abroad, purpose

I have always loved Japanese anime and manga. The first time I came to Japan was when I went to Okinawa after graduating from junior high school. From there, I fell in love with Japan's beautiful cities and convenient transportation. I really like it so much that I am seriously considering living in Japan. That trip inspired me to start studying Japanese. Thanks to that stimulation, my Japanese ability is gradually improving. When I was in high school, I asked a senior student who had experience studying abroad in Japan to give me advice and talk about studying abroad. At that time, I had a dream to study abroad in Japan.

This is the third time I have been to Japan before this opportunity to study abroad. Kansai is the most interesting part of this trip. While Kansai has prosperous cities such as Kobe and Osaka, it also has historical places like Kyoto and Nara. If I have the chance, I would like to come here again. I want to achieve some goals while living in Japan. Making Japanese friends and joining circles. And if I have time, I would like to work part-time. I want to acquire new knowledge and meet interesting people while studying at Kobe Gakuin University. I came all the way here to study abroad. I want to cherish the opportunity to practice conversation. In particular, I would like to practice my weakest honorifics so that I can use them skillfully at work and in business. If you have Japanese friends, I'm sure you'll be able to practice a lot of conversation. Even when working part-time, you will be able to speak polite Japanese to communicate in the workplace.

Experience while studying abroad

When I came to Japan, I couldn't help but feel happy that my dream finally came true. There are too many things to do and things to think about in front of me, so I couldn't enjoy my study abroad life in the first place. However, my errands were solved little by little, and my study abroad life gradually improved, and I began to feel better.

About a month after I came to Japan, I joined the school's art club through a friend's introduction. It seems that the first exchange student member has joined the art club. All the members are very kind and you can talk to them easily. I often go to the art club right after class. It's a really fun time to draw pictures in the art club and talk with everyone.

I also made friends with Japanese students in school classes. They are all from Osaka and Nagoya. It was fun to talk with them, especially about cooking. There is a dish called In my memory, the most delicious soba in Taiwan is Tainan's ``Tara Fish Noodles'' Tianagi Yakisoba, but when I looked at the photos of Nagoya's Taiwanese soba, it was a completely different dish. Cooking.

I found a part-time karaoke job. From setting up the room to completing the food on my own and providing it to the customer's room, there were communication problems along the way.
"It was very cold this winter." It's been a long time since I've had snow in Kobe. It's cold, but I saw snow for the first time. It was really beautiful.

I thought about how many goals I had before studying abroad. The first is joining a circle, the second is looking for a part-time job, and the third is seeing snow. It's been less than half a year since I came to Japan, and I've done it all.

Results of study abroad, future goals

In the short period of one year, my dreams and goals I wanted to achieve went smoothly.
Moreover, it has grownmore than I expected. During the past year, I have studied more in-depth vocabulary and difficult grammar in myJapanese language skills. In addition to school, thanks to my part-time job, I learned business manners, customer serviceterms, and telephone manners that I hadn't studied before, and used them at work.
The school circle drew a picture forthe art club and presented it at the "Diamond Festival" held at the school. During my study abroad, I interacted not onlywith Japanese students, but also with Korean, French, Indonesian, and Malaysian international students. We talkedwith each other about our own countries, cooking, why we came to Japan to study abroad, and whether there were anythings that we didn't get used to when we first came toJapan.
Since living in Japan for a year, I have had a lot of fulfilling and various experiences, and I am gradually getting used toit. The experience of working in Japan and working parttime at Jumbo Karaoke will definitely help me in the future,not only because of my Japanese ability, but also because I worked hard with Japanese people. When I return to Taiwan from now on, I will continue to study Japanese. Then I went on to become a Japanese teacher and hotel staff.
I still have one year left until I graduate from university, so I think I'll study the related skills and knowledge during that time and then find a job in Japan again.