Hyogo University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific


  • Name:ZHOU, H [ 中国 ]

  • Acceptance period:Apr. 1, 2024 ~ Sep. 30, 2024
  • Acceptance university:神戸芸術工科大学
  • University enrolled:中国美術大学

Opportunity of the studying abroad, purpose

The reason for studying abroad inspired by two main factors. Firstly, the dream of studying in Japan has been with me since high school. I was captivated by various Japanese variety shows, which introduced me to the diverse cultures, customs, and stories of famous individuals across different regions of Japan. My journey with the Japanese language began in kindergarten through watching Japanese animations for children, fostering an early familiarity with the language. Additionally, I've always had a fondness for ‘かるた’, a facet of Japanese culture.Majoring in graphic design in college, I developed a profound interest in Japanese typography. Secondly, Japan's design disciplines are remarkably forward-thinking. The chance to interact with renowned Japanese designers and animation celebrities, such as Yoshimaru Takahashi and Sadao Tsukioka, who have lectured in China, further fueled my desire to study in Japan to connect with eminent designers.

The purpose of my study abroad encompasses four goals. Firstly, as an undergraduate majoring in visual communication design, I possess a strong desire to delve into Japanese culture and the history of graphic design. Japan's excellence in the field of visual communication and the opportunity to study Kanji design as a graduate student promise a wealth of knowledge and cross-disciplinary insights. Secondly, I am eager to attend lectures by celebrated designers like Kohei Sugiura, to gain a deeper understanding of their theories and designs. This will allow me to innovate in Sino-Japanese graphic and typography design from a multi-dimensional perspective, integrating modern science and technology. Thirdly, my ongoing project, the ‘Kanji Triennial Exhibition’, explores the 'Worldview of Kanji'. Studying abroad will broaden my perspective in interpreting Kanji from artistic and technological viewpoints. Lastly, Japan's wealth of precious literature on pattern and text design in visual communication will support my research and help expand my experience and knowledge, contributing significantly to my academic publications on Sino-Japanese design during my graduate studies.

Experience while studying abroad

Results of study abroad, future goals